Frequently asked questions
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What are contrails?
Contrails, short for "condensation trails," are visible white lines that form behind aircraft.
Are there different types of contrail?
There are two ways a contrail can form. Exhaust contrails, normally referred to as just contrail, form when the water vapour in an engines exhaust freezes into ice crystals. The second type, aerodynamic contrails, form when the lower pressure around the wings hits humid air, causing it to condense.
How long do contrails last?
The duration of contrails can vary significantly. Some dissipate quickly within a few minutes, while others can persist for hours and spread out to form extensive cirrus cloud layers. The persistence of contrails depends on the temperature, humidity, and wind conditions at the altitude where they form.
Why is this FAQ so short?
Not many people have asked questions
What is this question for?
It is a place holder for the third column